FAQs: Certification

All of the Key People in my proposal have completed the certification questions, but KC is giving me a validation error of Disclosure Not Completed. If the certification answers are complete, then what does the error mean?

Certification Check Screen image

What this means is that one of the Key People who completed the proposal certification questions answered Yes to one or more of the Significant Financial Interest (SFI) screening questions (#10, 11, or 12). KC then requires the discloser to complete a proposal Conflict of Interest Disclosure, and the proposal cannot be routed until that action is complete. 

Certification Check screen image

The way to check if this is the case with your proposal is to click on the COI Disclosure Status button in the Personnel section. If the status is Not Disclosed, then the disclosure is yet to be completed. Not until the status is Submitted for Review can the proposal route:

Certification check screen image



I have sent the proposal certification request email via the Notify button in my proposal, but the individuals state that they are not receiving the email.

The Key Person you are trying to certify most likely did not have their Kerberos User Name established at the time they were added to the proposal. The best way to determine this is to look in the Details tab in Key Personnel for that individual. If you see their MIT ID number 9XXXXXXX in place of User Name (Figure 1), then their Kerberos had not been established yet. If it has been determined that the individual now has a Kerberos ID, then simply remove the individual from the proposal and then re-add. Their Kerberos name should have replaced their MIT ID number. Then click Notify as normal to facilitate the certification.

Key Person