How should we treat postdoctoral fellow positions in the Kuali Coeus budget?

Postdoctoral fellow appointments as referred to in 5.3.3 of MIT Policies and Procedures are not appropriate costs to organized research activities (research project WBS) of the Institute. More information may be found in this FAQ titled "Can a Post-doc fellow be charged to a research account?"

It is possible for the subject matter of a Sponsored project to overlap with the area of a Fellowship to the point where their work will benefit both their Fellowship research goals and the goals of the Sponsored project. In this case, you would want to include language noting how the research program falls within the area of the Fellowship and is an excellent opportunity for the Fellow. This language should not be included in the budget justification as it would not be a budgeted item.

Non-Personnel Fellowship expenses may be appropriate costs, and may be charged using the G/L account 420172 ‘Fellowship Expense’.

Post Doctoral Associates costs may be charged to sponsored programs, using the g/l account 400390 ‘Post Doctoral Staff – On’.